The Best Ways to Make Emeralds in Minecraft 1.21 (2024)

5. Potatos and Carrots Trades

  • Potatoes and carrots are easy ressources to farm in big quantities. You can build automatic potatoes and carrots farm that will easily produce them at a huge rate for no ressources. For 26 potatoes or 22 carrots, you will get 1 emerald.

4. Wool Trades

  • Wool is one of the easiest ressource to automaticly produce. An automatic wool farm can be easily done an reproduced in great quantities producing a great quantity of wool of every colors. For 18 white, gray, brown and block wool, you can get 1 emerald.

3. Sticks Trades / Paper Trades

  • Sticks can easily be crafted with a few amount of wood. One log can produce 8 sticks. Also, sticks can be produced automaticly by making a bamboo farm. For every 2 bamboos your farm produces, you can make 1 stick. Bamboo grows very fast and is easily automaticly farmed. Since the stick trade costs 32 sticks for 1 emerald, you can have 1 emerald for every 64 bamboos or every 8 logs you cut.
Stick recipe with bamboo
  • Paper is also easily obtainable by making automatic sugar cane farms. For 24 papers, you will get 1 emerald. Since sugar cane farms are easily done, you will be able to get 1 emerald for every 24 sugar canes you produce.
Paper recipe

2. Pumpkins and Melons Trades

  • Melons and carrots are easily gathered by hand or by an automatic farm. Each plant grows fast and their automatic farms can be done easily. You can get 1 emerald for every 4 melons and 6 pumkins.

1. Iron Trades

  • Iron farms are not the easiest farms to make; however, once you have built one, you will be able to acquire large amounts of iron very quickly. You can get 1 emerald for 4 iron ingots. It is by far the fastest way to make a lot of emeralds since the trade is cheap and the ressource infinite once you have an automatic farm.

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