1.21 Easiest Wool Farm in Minecraft

The materials

  • 10 glass blocks
  • 6 grass blocks (or 1 grass block and 5 dirt blocks)
  • 2 building blocks (any blocks)
  • 2 hoppers
  • 1 rail
  • 1 observer
  • 1 minecart with hopper
  • 1 dispenser
  • 1 redstone
  • 1 trapdoor
  • 1 chest

1. Prepare a 3×5 space for the farm (5 in height)

2. Place the chest and the two hoppers

3. Place the rail on top of the last hopper

4. Place the minecart with hopper on top of the rail

5. Place the grass blocks, the observer and one building block

6. Place 5 glass blocks on top the grass, the dispenser on top of the observer and the redstone on top of the building block

7. Place 5 glass blocks on top of the other glass blocks and the building block on top of the dispenser

8. Put a sheep on top of the grass block

9. Put as many shears as you want in the dispenser (9 recommended)

10. Place the trapdoor on top of the sheep

11. Shear the sheep

Your automatic farm is now working!

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